In the Covid-19 lockdwon world, employers are facing challenges in keeping employees both engaged and motivated. With all the news coming through of Corona pandemic, the general sentiment is not very positive. With such background it is imperative that companies start looking at their employees mental health as well as their physical well being.
To tackle these problems, Event-U-All has come up with different ways through which employers can keep their staff motivated and engaged. To give few examples, independent activities like Zumba & Bhangra Classes are being organised to keep employees physically fit as well as entertained in a different way.
Meditation & Yoga classes help calm your mind and are being organised in smaller batches to give a more one-on-one feel.
To bring teams bak together we are organising weekly treasure hunt as well as online games where teams can participate and get the sense of working together back.
Apart from this we are also bringing Motivational speakers to corporate audience to dispel the feeling of gloom & negativity. In case you / your organisation needs to know more about these engagements, please write to us - We are looking forward to collaborate and help as many corporates as possible.